This API can update the VA Name, Expires In, Amount, and Virtual Account Type. The BNI VA amount cannot be updated to an amount lower than the previous amount.

The API returns a 200 HTTP response code in the case of a successful update of the virtual account.

The API returns a 401 HTTP response code in case of a missing or invalid token.

The API returns a 503 HTTP response code in case of service unavailable because of bad request (e.g. missing and/or wrong headers), or a validation error (e.g. missing and/or wrong parameters) or any other server issue.

Below is the rule on VA update process, which data that can/can't be updated:

BankVA TypeAmount TypeVirtual Account NameAmount ValueExpiry Time
BNIOKOKOKEqual or greater than previous amountOK
MandiriOKOKOKAny amountOK

Sample Request

  "bankCode": "009",
  "customerId": "AYOAPP-559PAC23",
  "virtualAccountId": "eUHu4FOg9efDT5AYktTLpWOw2ze",
  "virtualAccountName": "Pembayaran Tagihan Y",
  "virtualAccountPhone": "62172439389",
  "transactionId": "vXNsQzlmLrJiRmG0e0AhNgqBexupEil8",
  "expiresIn": 60,
  "virtualAccountType": "static",
  "totalAmount": {
    "value": "3200000.00",
    "currency": "IDR"

Sample Response

  "responseCode": 201,
  "responseMessage": "updated",
  "responseTime": "20230411123614",
  "referenceNumber": "aaccad392d7c42e098163c94bc738438",
  "transactionId": "uesmjxpi7iuylp083ddr5c6xgsuwog64",
  "virtualAccountData": {
    "virtualAccountId": "eUHu4FOg9efDT5AYktTLpWOw2ze",
    "virtualAccountNumber": "9988000130563556",
    "virtualAccountStatus": "UNUSED",
    "virtualAccountName": "Pembayaran Tagihan Y",
    "correlationId": "qole43pi7iuylp083ddr5c6xgsuwog64",
    "customerId": "AYOAPP-559PAC23",
    "totalAmount": {
      "value": "3200000.00",
      "currency": "IDR"
    "adminFee": {
      "value": "4000.00",
      "currency": "IDR"
    "expiredAt": "2023-04-11T13:17:14+07:00"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!