This API creates a new Virtual Account.
The API returns a 201 HTTP response code in case of a successful Virtual Account creation.
The API returns a 401 HTTP response code in case of a missing or invalid token.
The API returns a 503 HTTP response code in case of service unavailable because of bad request (e.g. missing and/or wrong headers), or a validation error (e.g. missing and/or wrong parameters) or any other server issue.

Sample Request

  "virtualAccountName": "Pembayaran Tagihan X",
  "virtualAccountPhone": "62172439389",
  "virtualAccountNumber": "12345678",
  "transactionId": "vXNsQzlmLrJiRmG0e0AhNgqBexupEil8",
  "bankCode": "009",
  "expiresIn": 360,
  "totalAmount": {
    "value": "2650000.00",
    "currency": "IDR"
  "billDetails": [
      "billName": "Pembayaran Tagihan X",
      "billAmount": {
        "value": "2650000.00",
        "currency": "IDR"
      "billDescription": {
        "english": "Motorcycle payment.",
        "indonesia": "Pembayaran sepeda motor."
  "virtualAccountConfig": {
    "virtualAccountType": "dynamic",
    "amountType": "closed"

Sample Response

  "responseCode": 201,
  "responseMessage": "created",
  "responseTime": "20230411123614",
  "referenceNumber": "aaccad392d7c42e098163c94bc738438",
  "transactionId": "uesmjxpi7iuylp083ddr5c6xgsuwog64",
  "virtualAccountData": {
    "virtualAccountId": "230411110614699649123IRGG6Q",
    "virtualAccountNumber": "1234500012345678",
    "virtualAccountStatus": "INQUIRED",
    "virtualAccountName": "Pembayaran Tagihan X",
    "virtualAccountPhone": "62172439389",
    "correlationId": "qole43pi7iuylp083ddr5c6xgsuwog64",
    "customerId": "AYOAPP-559PAC23",
    "totalAmount": {
      "value": "2650000.00",
      "currency": "IDR"
    "adminFee": {
      "value": "4000.00",
      "currency": "IDR"
    "billDetails": [
        "billName": "Pembayaran Tagihan X",
        "billAmount": {
          "value": "2650000.00",
          "currency": "IDR"
        "billDescription": {
          "english": "Motorcycle payment.",
       	  "indonesia": "Pembayaran sepeda motor."
    "expiredAt": "2023-04-11T13:17:14+07:00"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!